Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Carve

I don't mean to brag, but I have a pretty fantastic family and some pretty sweet friends. Don't believe me? I could list about a *gazillion* reasons why my friends and family are the best, and maybe I'll do that some time. Not right now, though. I have way too much HGTV to watch.

I do, however, have time to share with you one such reason. It is an event that happens every October, usually towards the middle of the month, and it brings out the most creativity I can muster all year. It joins friends, family, and party subs together all in one house. It is IRON PUMPKIN, and it is a blast. Now you may be thinking to yourself, "Pumpkin carving? What's so special about that? " My answer to you is, "Have you ever seen a pumpkin carved into a deep dish pizza?" Didn't think so.

This year's theme, thanks to Dad, was "Chicago." I didn't think it was possible to turn a pumpkin into a Picasso, a gourd into the El. But I guess I was wrong. These are just a few of the illuminated wonders that could be found at this year's I.P.

We came, we saw, we carved. And now you can see why I brag.

*The only thing that could have made this year's IRON PUMPKIN better is if Kathryn Marie could've been there. We included her in our picture, but in her own words, "Halloween is ruined!"

1 comment:

The Bognar Family said...

Love it! Even if you stole all my pics! :)